Brand Analysis of Gymshark

Gymshark is a sports apparel manufacturing British multinational company. Lewis Morgan and Ben Francis founded the sportswear brand in 2012. Today, we’ll discuss the brand analysis of Gymshark; it focuses on its mission, vision, values; customer reviews, social media presence, marketing campaign analysis, web and social media traffic, customer journey, and target audience demographic.

Brand Analysis of Gymshark

Let’s discuss the brand analysis of Gymshark; some of the main elements involved in the Gymshark brand analysis are as follows;

Mission, Vision, and Value of Gymshark

The mission statement of Gymshark is to inspire, motivate, and empower people to reach their health and fitness goals and objectives. The sportswear brand focuses on building a strong and encouraging supportive community by offering them innovative and top-quality sportswear apparel.

 The sportswear brand has made a strong commitment to building a healthy lifestyle, developing top-quality apparel, and maintaining a strong social media presence through engaging and effective content. However, Gymshark is revolutionizing the sportswear industry and inspiring people by integrating a passion for fitness and promoting fashion.

Some of the main values of Gymshark are as follows;

  • Encouraging employees and team members to think outside the box
  • Building a supportive and inclusive working environment
  • Making a positive impact on the environment
  • Promoting a culture of continuous learning and development
  • Encouraging employees to improve their skills and expertise

Customer Reviews and Feedback about Gymshark

The customer’s reviews, star ratings, and feedback analysis of Gymshark are as follows;

  • Trust Pilot: 3.8 stars rating out of 33506reviews
  • 1.8stars rating out of 156 reviews
  • SiteJabber: 1.6stars rating out of 109 reviews
  • Thing Testing: 3.7 stars rating out of 127reviews

The online customer reviews, star ratings, and feedback analysis of Gymshark show that there is a mixture of both good and bad reviews. The happy and satisfied customers are sharing positive reviews about the sportswear brand. On the other hand, dissatisfied customers are sharing low star ratings and negative reviews about the sportswear brand.

Social Media Presence of Gymshark

The social media network and following of Gymshark on various social media platforms are as follows;

  • Instagram: 1.7Million followers
  • LinkedIn: 4.8Kfollowers
  • X: 372.9Kfollowers
  • Facebook: 2.1Million followers

Gymshark has established a very large network and a strong following on various social media platforms. The sportswear brand regularly shares pictures and designs of the latest sportswear apparel outfits, unique designs and styles for customers, and growing sports trends. The proactive social media presence helps the brand to connect and engage with the targeted customers and improves its network and sales.

Marketing Campaign Analysis of Gymshark

Gymshark runs various types of marketing and advertisement campaigns for the promotion of its products and brands. The sportswear brand employs various media channels; social and digital media platforms, influencer marketing, customized and personalized services, and community engagement. Multiple marketing campaigns and a large network would help the sportswear brand connect and engage with the targeted customers.

Web and Social Media Traffic of Gymshark

The web and social media traffic of Gymshark on various media platforms is as follows;

  • Traffic: 8.26Million monthly average visitors
  • Average Duration: 8.01 minutes

The source of web and social media traffic comes from the following countries:

  • USA: 30.47%
  • UK: 14.34%
  • Canada: 9.96%
  • Australia: 6.63%
  • Netherlands: 6.33%

The proportion of web traffic comes from the following media channels:

  • Direct: 53.86%
  • Referrals: 2.96%
  • Organic Search: 25.72%
  • Paid Search: 15.32%
  • Social: 1.47%
  • Email: 0.12%
  • Display: 0.54%

Percentage of traffic comes from following social media platforms;

  • YouTube: 39.53%
  • Facebook: 20.08%
  • Pinterest: 5.46%
  • Reddit: 12.61%
  • Instagram: 15.63%
  • Others: 6.69%

Gymshark Customer’s Journey

The customers’ journey of Gymshark starts with running various types of marketing and advertisement campaigns. The sportswear brand spreads product and sports apparel awareness and it immediately attracts the attention of customers. However, it compels customers to check out the new designs, styles, and quality of the company’s products in various sportswear stores. If the sports apparel quality and fabric satisfy the product quality, they will buy the product. Otherwise, they would switch to other sports brands.

Target Audience Demographic of Gymshark

The demographic segment of the target audience of Gymshark is as follows;

  • Age: 18 to 64 years old
  • Gender: 46% men and 54% women
  • Education: well-aware and fitness conscious
  • Income: higher and well-offer
  • Interest: health and fitness
  • Social Status: high and brand conscious

The demographic segmentation of the target audience of Gymshark allows you to create a buyer persona and customer avatar of the targeted customers. They are both women and men from various age groups; they are highly conscious about their physique, health, and fitness; they want to express themselves creatively with sportswear outfits.

Conclusion: Brand Analysis of Gymshark | Gymshark Brand Analysis | Strategic Analysis of Gymshark

After an in-depth study of the brand analysis of Gymshark; we have realized that Gymshark is the world’s leading sportswear brand. If you are learning about the Gymshark brand analysis; then you should keep in mind the abovementioned mission, vision, values; customer reviews, social media presence, marketing campaign analysis, web and social media traffic, customer journey, and target audience demographic.

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