Facebook or Meta Platforms Inc. is a social media platforms and technology conglomerate multination corporation. Chris Hughes, Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz, Andrew McCollum, and Eduardo Saverin founded the social media platform in 2004; and became Meta Platforms Inc. in 2021. Today, we’ll discuss the Ansoff matrix of Facebook Meta; four growth matrix strategy analysis quadrants; market penetration, market development, product development, and diversification strategy of the social media platform as the Ansoff matrix of Facebook Meta Platforms Inc.
Marketing Penetration Strategic Campaigns of Facebook
- Word-of-mouth marketing
- Social groups
- Persoanl and family grouping
- Live streaming
- Promotional offers
- Consistency in branding
- Unique service offers
Top Markets and Geographical Regions of Facebook Users – 2024
- Algeria – 24.85 Million
- South Africa – 26 M
- Italy – 26.1 M
- Argentina – 28.75 M
- France – 29.95 M
- Turkey – 34.35 M
- Colombia – 36.7 M
- Nigeria – 36.75 M
- UK – 37.1 M
- Pakistan – 44.5 M
- Egyp – 45.4 M
- Thailand – 49.1 M
- Bangladesh – 52.9 M
- Vietnam – 72.7 M
- Phillippines – 86.75 M
- Mexico – 90.2 M
- Brazil – 111.25 M
- Indonesia – 117.6 M
- USA – 190.85 M
- India – 366.85 M
Latest and Best Selling Collection of Facebook
- Instant notifications
- Personal messaging and inbox
- Comments on public posts
- Like and sharing your reactions on the posts
- User Timeline
- Personal and public wall
- Friends and acquaintances connections
- Public news feed
The Ansoff Matrix of Facebook Media would analyze the four growth matrix strategy analysis quadrants; market penetration, product development, market development, and diversification strategy. Here’s the Facebook Meta Ansoff matrix company example as follows;
Ansoff Matrix of Facebook Meta
Let’s discuss the four growth matrix strategy analysis quadrants of the Ansoff matrix of Facebook Meta as the BCG matrix company example; they’re as follows;
Market Penetration Strategy of Facebook Meta
The market penetration growth strategy quadrant in the Facebook Meta Ansoff matrix business example as growth matrix strategy has the lowest risk. It is because here the social media platform and tech company sells its current products and services in the existing customer market. However, the social media market is growing, and the market penetration growth strategy is possible.
I-Strategic Association with Telecom Companies
Facebook Meta develops a strategic association with smartphone manufacturing and telecom companies to embed its online application as default. It helps the tech giant and social media platform to increase its total number of users; it is because the platform heavily relies on its tech devices and telecom services to work properly.
II-Multiple Platforms
Facebook Meta is not relying on one platform to attract users. In fact, the tech company offers multiple social media platforms and messaging applications to target various segments of the customer market. It has allowed the company to further penetrate the customer market and increase its total user rate.
III-Constant Improvement
In order to attract the attention of existing users and attract new users; Facebook Meta invests a significant amount of capital resources for the maintenance of its features and social media services. It helps the company to increase the total number of users.
Facebook Meta offers discounts on its advertisement services to business users as a market penetration strategic approach. It helps the company to increase the total number of users by attracting new users with its discount offers.
V-Social Activities
Facebook Meta engages in various types of social activities to attract the attention of existing and new customers. It helps the company to further penetrate the market by emotionally connecting with the users.
Market Development Strategy of Facebook Meta
The market development growth strategy quadrant in the Facebook Meta Ansoff matrix business example as the growth matrix strategy has a bit higher risk than the market penetration strategy. It is because here you expand your market and offer your existing social media platform and tech company product portfolio in the new market. However, you don’t know the culture and response of the new market; that’s what makes it riskier.
I-Global Market
Facebook Meta is already operating its social media platform business in the global market with over 1.73 daily active users. The tech giant company is always focused on pushing new boundaries by tapping into new segments of the customer market.
II-Collaboration with Governments & Companies
In order to tap into the new geographical regions and markets, Facebook Meta collaborates with various governments and countries. Collaboration and joint ventures at the government level further boost the company’s growth rate in the new markets.
III-Multiple Online Apps & Features
Facebook Meta offers multiple social media platforms to target different segments of the customer market. For instance, millennials are active on Facebook, and Generation-Z is on Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp for messaging and calling; the Threat is for those who are looking for a Twitter X replacement.
IV-Various Pricing
Facebook Meta offers various types of pricing plans and packages to business users and advertisers. It attracts the attention of marketers to join the company’s platform and set the pricing plan relevant to the budget and requirements.
Product Development Strategy of Facebook Meta
The product development growth strategy quadrant in the Facebook Meta Ansoff matrix business example as the growth matrix strategy has higher risk than the market penetration strategy. It is because here you launch a new product relevant to social media platforms and technology in the existing customer market. You would have to run new marketing and promotional campaigns for the new social media platform and tech device and that’s what makes it riskier.
I-Research & Development
Facebook Meta invests a significant amount of capital resources in research and development. It is in the form of maintenance of the existing platform; launching new features and functions within the existing platform, and new features for the business users.
II-Better User Experience
The objective of Facebook Meta’s research and development is to offer a better and improved experience to social media users. It could be in the form of easy connectivity, new features and functions, revised packages, web platforms, online applications, user privacy, protecting their private data, and other services.
Diversification Strategy of Facebook Meta
The diversification quadrant in the Facebook Meta Ansoff matrix business example as growth matrix strategy is the most risk growth strategy than all three previous growth strategies. It is because here you launch a new social media platform and tech product or service in a new customer market. You won’t know how your new market will react to the new tech items or social media platforms;
I-Horizontal Diversification
Facebook Meta has recently a new platform by the name of Thread as a replacement for Twitter X users who aren’t happy with the ownership of Elon Musk. The social media company has successfully expanded its business with new products and services and entered new markets across the world.
Conclusion: Facebook Meta Ansoff Matrix Company Example |Growth Matrix Strategy Analysis
After an in-depth study of the Ansoff matrix of Facebook Meta; we have realized that Facebook Meta is the world’s leading social media platform. If you are learning about the Facebook Meta Ansoff matrix company example; then you should keep in mind the abovementioned four growth matrix analysis quadrants; market penetration, market development, product development, and diversification strategy.

Ahsan is an accomplished researcher and has a deep insight in worldly life affairs. He goes Live 3 days a week on various social media platforms. Other than research writing, he’s a very interesting person.