BCG Matrix of British Gas 

British Gas is the UK’s energy and home services providing company. Centrica Company founded the energy service company British Gas in 1997; the company started its journey in 1812 under the name of Gas Light and Coke Company. Today, we’ll discuss the BCG matrix of British Gas; four growth-share matrix analysis quadrants; stars, cash cows, question marks, and dogs of energy company as the BCG matrix company example.

Unique Product and Brand Features of British Gas

  • Delivering the quality products and services
  • Taking sustainability initiative steps towards net-zero carbon emission
  • Strong commitment to environmental sustainability
  • Affordable prices
  • Making customers houses easier and greener
  • Takes full responsibility of connecting to your household pipework
  • Best customer service experience
  • Higher customer satisfaction level

Best Selling Categories and Brands Market Share of British Gas

  • 4th largest gas suppliers of Gass in the Great Britain
  • Market share – 27.6%
  • High growth rate
  • Domestic gas revenue – 3.6 billion GBP
  • Domestic electricity revenue – 3.17 billion GBP
  • Centrica revenue – 23.7 billion GBP

Top Items with Increasing Growth Rate of British Gas

  • Home care services
  • Electrics and drain services
  • Plumbing services
  • Central heating services
  • Boiler services
  • Repair services
  • Appliances household
  • Insurance plans

The BCG matrix of British Gas would analyze the four growth-share matrix analysis quadrants; stars, cash cows, question marks, and dogs of the energy service-providing company. Here’s the British Gas BCG matrix company example as follows;

BCG Matrix of British Gash 

Let’s discuss the four growth-share matrix analysis quadrants of the BCG matrix of British Gas as the BCG matrix company example; they’re as follows;

Stars of British Gas

The star quadrant of the British Gas BCG matrix growth-share matrix analysis example includes such products and services that have a higher market share and higher growth rate. They contribute significantly to the revenue, sales, and profitability of the British Electricity and Gas Company. However, some of the star products and services of the British electricity and Gas Company British Gas are as follows;


According to an estimate, British Gas will have a 27.6% share in the gas market in 2022; the Big Six companies have approximately 70% of the total market share. The Gas of Energy Company has earned a significant market share with an increasing growth rate, which makes it the star product of the company.

II-Renewable Energy

Approximately 54% of the energy in British comes from renewable sources of energy and the company’s suppliers provide roundabout 46% of the renewable energy. The company is highly cautious about renewable sources of energy along with the consumer market. The brand has earned a higher market share with the increasing growth rate.

Cash Cows of British Gas

The cash cow quadrant of the British Gas BCG matrix growth-share matrix analysis example outlines such products and services that have a higher market share and slower growth rate. They contribute significantly to the revenue, sales, and profitability of the British Electricity and Gas Company. However, some of the cash cow products and services of the British electricity and Gas Company British Gas are as follows;


British Gash has approximately 20% of the share in the electricity market with a bit slower growth rate for the past few years. The energy company has earned a significant portion of the market share. The reason for the slower growth rate is due to the tough competition and high market saturation in the electricity and gas market.

II-Boilers & Central Heating

Approximately 78% of British users use centralized and boiler heating methods. British Gas is the top provider of energy and gas and it complementary product of the company. In the centralized heating segment, British Gas is the leading provider of centralized heating and boiler products with a higher market share and slower growth rate.

Question Marks of British Gas

The question mark quadrant of the British Gas BCG matrix growth-share matrix analysis example consists of such products and services that have a lower market share and higher growth rate. They have the potential to contribute to the revenue, sales, and profitability of the British Electricity and Gas Company. However, some of the question mark products and services of the British Electricity and Gas Company British Gas are as follows;

I-Home Appliances Services

According to an estimate, the annual revenue of the household appliances market will be 10.55 billion USD in 2024 with a growth rate of 3.83%. British Gas offers a wide variety of household gadgets and products; they have the potential to become the next star and cash products of the company.

II-Plumbing & Drains

Plumbing and drain is the other highly growing product of the company. Although, British Gas has a limited market share in this segment it has the potential to become the next star and cash cow product of the company.

Dogs of British Gas

The dog quadrant of the British Gas BCG matrix growth-share matrix analysis example comprises such products and services that have a lower market share and lower growth rate. They don’t contribute to the revenue, sales, and profitability of the British electricity and Gas Company; instead, they consume a lot of capital resources of the company. However, some of the dog products and services of the electricity and gas company British Gas are as follows;

I-Home Care Service

Many customers have complained about the British Gas home care service that it is not satisfactory, even though they pay 14 pounds a month. In order to deal with the customer complaints, the energy company needs more investment to hire new people. In other words, it is consuming a lot of capital resources for the company.

Conclusion: British Gas BCG Matrix Company Example |Growth-Share Matrix Analysis 

After an in-depth study of the BCG matrix of British Gas; we have realized that British Gas is the UK’s top service-providing company. If you are learning about the British Gas BCG matrix company example; then you should keep in mind the abovementioned four growth-share matrix analysis quadrants; stars, cash cows, question marks, and dogs.

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