BCG Matrix of Huawei 

Huawei Technologies is a Chinese tech multinational company. Ren Zhengfei founded the company in 1987. Today, we’ll discuss the BCG matrix of Huawei; it will focus on the four growth market share quadrants; stars, cash cows, question marks, and dogs.

Unique Products and Brand Features of Huawei

  • Emotional interface for customers
  • Focuses on consistently improving its Android version
  • Technology innovative features
  • Manufacturing smart devices for everyone
  • Great user experience
  • Excellent infrastructure for research and development
  • Optical zoom camera quality

Best Selling Categories and Brands Market Share of Huawei

  • Market share of Huawei in Asia – 3.71%
  • China market share of Huawei – 23.33%
  • AI chips
  • Cloud computing
  • Smart TV
  • Solar PV inverter

Top Items with Increasing Growth Rate of Huawei

  • Y7 Huawei
  • P30 Lite Huawei
  • P40 Pro Huawei
  • Mate X3 Huawei
  • P50 Pro Huawei
  • Router Huawei
  • Vision Huawei
  • Audio Huawei
  • Wearable of Huawei
  • Tablet
  • PC
  • Smartphones

The BCG matrix of Huawei would focus on four growth rate market share quadrants stars, cash cows, question marks, and dogs. Here’s Huawei BCG matrix growth share analysis as follows;

BCG Matrix of Huawei 

Let’s discuss the four growth market share quadrants in the BCG matrix of Huawei, and they’re as follows;

Stars of Huawei

The star quadrant in Huawei BCG matrix growth rate market share analysis comprises such products and services that have higher market share and higher growth rate. They contribute significantly to the revenue and profitability of the company. However, some of the star products and services of Huawei are as follows;

I-Tablet Computers

According to an estimate, the market share of Huawei’s tablet computers was 6.8% and the company shipped 2.3 million units in the 3rd quarter of 2023. The tablet computer market of Huawei has been increasing consistently for the past few years both in terms of market share and growth rate.

II-Solar PV Inverter

The global market share of Huawei solar photovoltaic inverter in 2022 was 29% and its growth rate is 83% for the past three years. Overall, the global market is shifting towards a clean and sustainable source of energy; and Huawei solar products have earned a significant market share with a higher growth rate.

III-Smart TV

The market share and growth rate of Huawei smart TV have increased roundabout 20%. Whereas, other competitive brands like LG and Samsung have experienced declining sales.

IV-Cloud Computing

V-AI Chips

Cash Cows of Huawei

The cash cow quadrant in Huawei BCG matrix growth rate market share analysis consists of such products and services that have higher market share and slower growth rates. They contribute significantly to the revenue and profitability of the tech brand and help the company cover its expenses. However, some of the cash cow products and services of Huawei are as follows;


According to an estimate, the market share of Huawei smartphones in the global market is roundabout 4% and it has the highest market share in the Chinese market at 24%. The growth rate of the company’s smartphones has decreased in recent years. It is because of the US ban on Huawei’s products and tough competition from other smartphone companies.

II-Telecom Equipment

The market share of Huawei telecom equipment and network devices is roundabout 28% in the global market. In fact, Huawei has the highest market share in the telecom equipment industry and a slower growth rate; due to the increasing competition from the other smaller brands like Nokia, Cisco, and others.

Question Marks of Huawei

The question mark quadrant in Huawei BCG matrix growth rate market share analysis includes such products and services that have lower market share and higher growth rate. They have the potential to become the next star products if you make adjustments in some weak areas. However, some of the question mark products and services of Huawei are as follows;

I-Harmony OS

The market share of Huawei Harmony OS is 2% in the global market and 8% in the Chinese. Although the company has limited market share, but experiencing a significant growth rate. Android and iOS remain the world’s top operating systems; Harmony OS has the potential to become the world’s 3rd operating with the right strategies.

II-AITO Automobiles

According to an estimate, the electric vehicle M7 model by Huawei AITO automobile has received more than 50,000 orders and significant growth. Huawei has already partnered up with various domestic automotive companies; it presents a great opportunity for the company to advantage of the growing electric vehicle market.

Dogs of Huawei

The dog quadrant in Huawei BCG matrix growth rate market share analysis outlines such products and services that have lower market share and lower growth rate. Instead of increasing the profit, they consume a lot of capital resources of the company. However, some of the dog products and services of Huawei are as follows;


The market share of Huawei semiconductors decreased by 6.5% reducing the company’s revenue by 1.5 billion US dollars; it is a major blow to the company. The decreasing market share and growth rate of Huawei semiconductors put them in the dog quadrants. The company is already decreasing its expenses in the semiconductor segment to decrease the losses.

Conclusion: Huawei BCG Matrix Growth Share Analysis 

After an in-depth study of the BCG matrix of Huawei; we have realized that Huawei is the world’s leading tech giant Chinese corporation. If you are learning about Huawei BCG matrix growth share analysis; then you should keep in mind the abovementioned four quadrants; stars, cash cows, question marks, and dogs.

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