Brand Analysis of H&M

H&M is a retail chain clothing and apparel manufacturing fashion Swedish multinational company. Erling Persson founded the retail chain fashion brand in 1947. The company has established a network of approximately 4801 retail chain stores in various countries across the globe. Today, we’ll discuss the brand analysis of H&M; it focuses on mission, vision, values; customer reviews, social media presence, marketing campaign analysis, web and social media traffic, customer journey, and target audience demographic.

Brand Analysis of H&M

Let’s discuss the brand analysis of H&M; some of the main elements involved in the H&M brand analysis are as follows;

Mission, Vision, and Value of H&M

The mission statement of H&M is to make fashion enjoyable and accessible to everyone. Luxury and high-end fashion designs were out of the reach of ordinary working-class people. They could only see it on the red carpet, runways, and TV, and they couldn’t afford to keep it in their closet collection and wear it on their special occasions. H&M has made luxury fashion inclusive, enjoyable, and accessible to everyone.

The vision statement of H&M is to lead and make the change towards sustainable and circular fashion while providing them equal opportunity. The vision of the fashion brand comprises three main elements and they’re as follows;

  • Leading and making the change
  • Circular and positive fashion
  • Fair and equal opportunity for all

Some of the main values of H&M are as follows;

  • Unity in diversity
  • Belief in people
  • Entrepreneurial spirit
  • Cost-conscious
  • Open-mindedness
  • Simplicity

Customer Reviews and Feedback about H&M

The online customer reviews, feedback, and star rating analysis of H&M is as follows;

  • Trust Pilot: 1.6 stars rating out of 12849reviews
  • Yelp: 2.9stars rating out of 837 reviews
  • 3.1stars rating out of 408 reviews
  • Product Reviews: 2 stars rating out of 82reviews
  • SiteJabber: 2.3stars rating out of 800 reviews
  • MouthShut: 2.2stars rating out of 593 reviews

The online customer reviews, feedback, and star rating analysis of H&M shows that there is a mixture of both good and bad reviews; positive and negative reviews. Happy and satisfied customers of fashion brands share high star ratings and positive reviews. On the other hand, the dissatisfied customers of fashion share their negative experiences with the company’s products and services.

Social Media Presence of H&M

The social media following and network of H&M on various social media platforms are as follows;

  • Instagram: 38.4Million followers
  • X: 7.7Million followers
  • Facebook: 41.4Million followers

H&M has established a very large network, following, and solid presence over various social media platforms. The Swedish fashion brand regularly posts pictures and videos on social media platforms of the latest fashion designs, styles, and growing trends. The proactive social media activity would help the company gain insight into the fashion interests and requirements of customers.

Marketing Campaign Analysis of H&M

H&M runs various types of marketing and advertisement campaigns to promote its products and brands. The fashion brand employs various media channels; traditional and digital media platforms, sustainable fashion, corporate social responsibility, and philanthropic activities. Multiple marketing and advertisement campaigns on different media channels would help the fashion brand connect and engage with customers.

Web and Social Media Traffic of H&M

The web and social media traffic of H&M on various media platforms is as follows;

  • Traffic: 95.3Million monthly average visitors
  • Average Duration: 4.35 minutes

The source of web and social media traffic comes from the following countries:

  • USA: 17.25%
  • UK: 8.68%
  • Poland: 7.19%
  • Germany: 6.41%
  • Canada: 5.7%
  • Others: 54.77%

The proportion of web traffic comes from the following media channels:

  • Direct: 50.01%
  • Referrals: 3.16%
  • Organic Search: 40.87%
  • Paid Search: 3.43%
  • Social: 1.59%
  • Email: 0.28%
  • Display: 0.66%

Percentage of traffic comes from following social media platforms;

  • YouTube: 20.7%
  • Facebook: 67.66%
  • Pinterest: 3.15%
  • Reddit: 2.46%
  • Instagram: 2.19%
  • Others: 3.84%

H&M Customer’s Journey

The customer journey of H&M starts with running various types of marketing and advertisement campaigns for the promotion of its fashion products and designs. If the fashion-designed products and accessories attract the attention of customers; they would visit the nearby chain H&M store to check the design, feel, and texture of the product. They would buy the fashion products if they meet their standards; otherwise, they move to the next fashion brand option.

Target Audience Demographic of H&M

The demographic segment of the target audience of H&M is as follows;

  • Age: 18 to 64 years old
  • Gender: 33% men and 67% women
  • Education: well aware of fashion designs
  • Income: middle class and medium
  • Interest: fashion, clothing, and apparel
  • Social Status: middle class

The demographic segmentation of the target audience of H&M allows you to create a buyer personal and customer avatar of the ideal customers. They are both men and women from various age groups, they’re price-conscious and have a great interest in luxury fashion designs, and they want to express themselves with sustainable fashion.

Conclusion: Brand Analysis of H&M | H&M Brand Analysis | Strategic Analysis of H&M

After an in-depth study of the brand analysis of H&M; we have realized that H&M is the world’s leading retail chain fashion and clothing brand. If you are learning about the H&M brand analysis; then you should keep in mind the abovementioned mission, vision, values; customer reviews, social media presence, marketing campaign analysis, web and social media traffic, customer journey, and target audience demographic.

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